Industry Programme of Film and Audio-visual Education
Industry at SFS 2021
Panel Discussion: Inspirational Approaches to Film and Audiovisual Education
Monday, August 9 / 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Klub kultury 2
Panel Discussion: Methods and Benefits of International Partnership
Tuesday, August 10 / 9:30–11:030 a.m.
Klub kultury 2
Workshop: Discover the Mysteries of Green Screen!
Tuesday, August 10 / 4:30–7:00 p.m.
Klub kultury 3

Martina Voráčková
Martina Voráčková is an art teacher at an art school and at primary and secondary schools. Fifteen years ago, she founded Animánie, a project dedicated to film and audiovisual education. Animánie organizes courses and workshops for children and adults, programmes for schools, teachers and public, and an international festival. Martina has been developing an online methodology for teachers, Animetod, that concentrates on animation film. She will introduce the concept and the first couple of lessons.

František Topinka
František Topinka teaches art and art history at a secondary school and multimedia at an art school. He is also a lecturer, dramaturge and methodology specialist in Aeroškola, a project focused on film education run by Prague’s Aero cinema. He organizes educational programmes in Brno’s Scala Studio. He is a chief manager of a film camp called Aertěk, he co-organizes the Little Eyes festival and is an editor-in-chief of the website about film and audiovisual education –

Pavla Šnajdarová
Pavla Šnajdarová is a lecturer and experienced organizer of workshops in Ultrafun which aims to raise awareness of animation film. Ultrafun runs animation workshops to encourage children’s creativity and imagination. Pavla Šnajdrová studied film and TV graphics at UMPRUM in Prague. She is also an illustrator and graphic designer in authorial project OP&K. She participates in Animated Stories.

David Čeněk
David Čeněk is a vice-dean for international affairs at Prague’s FAMU. He completed the Faculty of Education at South Bohemia University and Film Research at the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University in Prague. He is an expert adviser at the State Fund of Cinematography and a committee member at the Media and Audiovisual Department, Ministry of Culture. He also works as a programme director, translator and interpreter at multiple Czech film festivals (KVIFF, Febiofest, Summer Film School, IFF Zlín, IDFF Ji.hlava). He teaches at the Department of Film Studies, Charles University. David Čeněk is also a joint author of a number of film publications (Jean-Luc Godard, Chris Marker, Alain Resnais, Robert Bresson etc.). He represented the Czech Republic in one of international CinEd projects and helped introduce film education to our country.

Anna Bartošková
Anna Bartošková graduated from Culturology at the Faculty of Arts Humanities, Charles University. She worked for the Forum of the Independent, KVIFF, Days of European Film or Prague Quadriennale (2007, 2011, 2015, 2019). She is a desk representative of Creative Europe – MEDIA.

Mikołaj Góralik
Mikolaj Góralik studied film theory at University of Lodz, Palacký University in Olomouc, Masaryk University in Brno and Charles University in Prague. His doctoral thesis focuses on Czech post-war comedy. He collaborated with a number of Polish and Czech film festivals. He is currently one of the curators of the streaming platform DAFilms where he has been developing a new section Junior for kids and teenagers. He wrote many articles about film for “Gazeta Wyborcza” in Lodz and for the publications “Talks about Film with Polish Film Experts” (2016) and “Polish-Czech and Polish-Slovak Film Contacts” (2018).

Ivana Formanová
Ivana Formanová has been taking part in production and programming of several film festivals, exhibitions and cultural events in and outside the Czech Republic. She holds a degree in English Philology and Film Studies from Palacký University in Olomouc. She is the head of Industry 4Science section at the international festival of science documentary films, Academia Film Olomouc (AFO), and she also manages KineDok, which is one of the initiatives of Documentary Film Institute that deals with alternative distribution of documentary films.

Dominik Vontor
Dominik Vontor is a coordinator of KineDok project for the Czech Republic. KineDok brings creative documentaries (not only) from Central and Eastern Europe to cafes, galleries and clubs. Dominik is also a programme dramaturge of Industry 4Science section at Academia Film Olomouc (AFO).

Michaela Dušková
Michaela Dušková studies film animation at Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art in Pilsen. She conducts animation workshops in Animánii. She likes working with children because she often learns something from them. She likes to experiment with methods and forms and also with her own comfort zone. She loves making illustrations and animations, and she organizes urban sketching.

Jan Kroutil
Jan Kroutil is an art teacher and lecturer at Aeroškola, where he works with children, adults, seniors and schools in the field of film and audiovisual education. He founded the courses Making Video Games and Animated Music Video. He works as a lecturer at the summer animation camp Aertěk.